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How it works

Register your business (Add Listing +)

If you are a business owner and want to register your service, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Add Listing + on the top right of the web page.
  2. Register by filling out the fields in order to receive your personal login.
    – Fields to be completed for your business page include your fields of activity, how you want the clients to contact you, opening hours, pricing, online bookings etc. The more information and the more accurate your listing, the easier it will be for clients to find your business.
    – By adding as many keywords as possible to specify your service, your chances to appear in online searches increase.
    – Use only high-quality pictures (max 4MB in size) with adequate meaning and author rights. The address needs to be precise and officially registered.
    – If your type of service is not listed yet, contact us by email ( and we’ll add it to the list.
  3. Activation: This can take up to five working days. Bear with us :), as we will check your data and make necessary adjustments to your registration. Once done, a confirmation will be sent to you by email.
  4. Updating: Don’t forget to update your page for changes in your schedules, holidays, pricing, address, etc. You can also edit your pictures any time.