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Netiquette guidelines and tips for the forum

Homepage Forum Netiquette Netiquette guidelines and tips for the forum

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  • #591

    – Before posting your question, check if anyone has asked it already and received a reply.
    – Stay on topic, don’t post irrelevant links, comments, thoughts, or pictures.
    – Try to avoid sarcasm, because without hearing your tone of voice, people may not realize you’re joking.
    – Remember to say please and thank you. 🙂
    – Be concise. Being brief and to the point to avoid lengthy paragraphs, that may take up too much reading time. Consider to structure your post by using bullet points to highlight the most important points or use headings if your post is going to be longer.
    – Disagree respectfully (e.g. by refraining from using judgmental evaluations of somebody’s post. Instead, state your own perspective underlined by factual information).
    – No YELLING. Uppercase letters are usually interpreted as yelling, try to avoid it, instead use bold writing of more important parts.
    – Add emoticons – it can sometimes help to communicate the tone of your message. (Don’t overuse it though. 🙂 )

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Michèle.
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